I prefer Crazy to Unprecedented because it is so overused. Like AWESOME! I posted a more timely blog the other day. This will soon be appropriate for you all. Outdoors with sun and warmth.
Your Home With Deb blog had been dormant because I was diagnosed with Lyme disease in June '19 which was the last blog post because the time has been given. I convalesced only to return to experience an increase in my real estate listings and staging business. It was difficult getting back and going because I was so low on energy and still feeling joint pain with exertion. No relapses lately. I have been able to use this stay-at-home order to do a great deal of the things that fell behind because it was impossible to keep up the necessary pace of everything. I am getting walks in again and this!
Have you had your fill of puzzles, watched all the shows in your recordings? I know I got to that point and the reality of the long term put me in a new mode. Feeling good. Full steam ahead!
Here is another use of your time at home.
If you were thinking of a new home, this is the time you have been given and maybe you would not have been able to prepare for the best outcome on the sale of your present home.
If you just want to do that cleaning up and making some visually and necessary improvements this is all worth it for your happiness too as you are coming out of lockdown and can enjoy the new look when you are coming home from your job or the gym.
MORE PAINT! I talked about interior improvements and the joy of new colors in my last post. The weather is or will be perfect. It is Spring. You can make lemonade out of this lemon of a time we have to live in! Stir up some sweet lemonade with your tart house lemons.
Below is a Bethesda home as it looked when it was placed on the market.
Think about the grade your house would get for curb appeal. This one? I gave it a D, Poor.
Sorry, I wish I had a better photo. Believe me, it was from the '80s or '90s. All of it.
WOW, now it looks like a new house!
FOR THIS HOME-updating was an immediate project for the buyer. What a FABULOUS change.
New lighting was added, the entire group found on Lamps Plus. Painting the updated color of the trim.
A three-color scheme was chosen from Sherwin Williams. You can find guides for choosing Sherwin Williams exterior color schemes here. A NEW door was a must for them and they chose a great one. Installing NEW shutters, along with a new on-trend door found at Home Depot, and lighting brought this home into 2020!
I hope to show some of the interior updates sometime.
Sherwin Williams colors used for this project are:
Entry and Garage Doors SW7020 Black Fox and the
Trim and Windows are SW7017 Dorian Gray.
The Shutters are prepainted Black.
Finish up with a sweet frosted lemonade!
Check out the tutorials on YouTube and many pro blogs where you can find help and even collaborate with to achieve your goal. Subscribe here for more...ask me a question...I would love to help.
Which house would you choose? Leave a comment below with your choice, please.
Thanks for stopping by,